Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 5: The Sower and the Seed

Read Matthew 12-13
“Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop – a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.” -Matthew 13:8
When I was a kid, our teacher gave us a small packet filled with seeds and encouraged us to go home, plant the seeds, and watch it grow. That whole week we had been learning about plants, so I remember being excited when given these seeds. Immediately, upon arriving at home, I took the seeds to my parents, and I told them I want to plant these seeds. My dad gave me a pot with some soil in it, and I put the seeds in. He told me that I must take care of it, be sure to water it, provide adequate sunlight, and if given the proper care, the plant would grow. I did everything that my teacher mentioned, as well as my dad, but when I awoke the next morning, nothing had changed. I remember asking my dad if I messed up, and he told me that planting a seed is easy, but it takes time for it to grow. Even if we aren’t seeing the growth, changes are taking place, and eventually, we will see the fruit of our labor.

In the Gospel according to Matthew, we see him portraying Jesus as a teacher. He was constantly teaching, sharing, and impressing upon their hearts kingdom principles. For our time and context, we realize that Jesus is teaching us what it means to have a personal relationship with Him and to live a life of holiness. In chapter 13, each section begins with, “The kingdom of heaven is like…,” and the parables that came after were contextually related and easy to grasp for those whose hearts were good soil. Each passage provides us different truths regarding kingdom living. It’s easy for our hearts to not be receptive to the Word of God. Sometimes, it may land in our laps, but we are reluctant to live it out. We want to live comfortable Christian lives, but the truth is, there is no such thing. In Matthew 7:24, Jesus says that it’s not enough to just hear it, but also to put it into practice. It’s not enough to know about Jesus, but to also live in the Spirit, and to do that, it means to deny yourself, take up your cross daily, and follow Him. In chapter 13:45, He likens the kingdom of heaven to a merchant trying to find a pearl. He finds ONE pearl, and he sells everything he has to buy this one pearl. It’s illogical from our perspective, but that’s what life with Jesus is like. When you understand what Christ has done for you, then nothing else matters. In Philippians 3:8, Paul writes, “What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” Are you willing to consider everything a loss compared to knowing Jesus? The seed of the Gospel has been planted in your life, but will it grow into a fruit-bearing plant?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, the seed of the Gospel has been planted in my life. May my heart be fertile soil, where it takes full growth, and produces fruit that reaches out and touches the lives of those around me. What is more, I count everything else as loss, that I may grow in knowing Your surpassing greatness. Amen.

- Mat Stan Samuel

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