Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 46: The Rugged Cross and Empty Tomb

Read John 19-21

For today's devotional we focus on John chapters 19-21; the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Today I want to dig deeper into the story to find the true meaning of the cross and empty tombstone and really understand what we should take away from it all.

Many years ago years ago, crucifixion was the worst possible punishment anyone could receive. It was seen as something so ugly, atrocious, dreadful; it was seen with so much disgust back then. Also the empty tomb, the tomb where you expect should’ve been the final resting place, symbolizes the sadness, loss of hope and grieving that it brought upon everyone. People connected the cross and tomb to a state of devastation and the end. But now look - today, the cross is seen in every church around the world and the empty tomb is talked about every Easter... but do we really know what they mean?

The cross means that we can look at the past and be thankful; the empty tomb means that we can look to the future and be hopeful. The cross was something that brought disgust, but today it is a symbol that brings us joy and fills us with gratitude. The cross symbolizes victory and the empty tomb is the victory of righteousness. On the cross Jesus said, “It is finished,” and the empty tomb says, “I am alive forevermore.”

The story of Jesus Christ’s resurrection opens our eyes to see a new perspective like Roy Lessin wrote, "We must look up, look forward and look ahead."

  • When we look up we see Jesus seated at the right hand of God
  • When we look forward we see Him guiding our steps daily
  • When we look ahead we see Him coming again for His bride
His resurrection calms our fears just as he calmed Mary Magdalene as she cried near the tomb. It confirms His word, “it is finished,” that we have no more burdens, no more baggage to carry with us through our lives. That we have been set free! Finally it uplifts our faith just like when he appears to his disciples and says "Peace be with you," and when He showed them his hands they become overjoyed to know their Father Almighty is living. We are able to believe there is a one true living God, not based on sight but based on our faith.

So this Easter let us take just a few minutes not just to hear the Easter story one more time but to really understand what we can take from it. What the cross and empty grave symbolizes. Above all realize how blessed we are to be able to serve and to be called children of a Lord who is alive, who is above all things and a Lord who showers us with everlasting love.

Let us pray that the old rugged cross and empty tomb will help us to look up, look forward and look ahead.

- Sydni Philip

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