Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 37: The Shining Light

Read John 1-3

Three main points spoke to me personally as I read John 1 repeatedly: the Word was God; the light shines upon us, and the humility of John

One. The Word was God.
In our personal lives we fail to communicate with The One who cares most about us. We strive for approval of maybe our parents, our spouses, our siblings, or our friends. We forget to realize that we can't gain everybody's approval. Everybody cannot feed the answers we desire to hear. For me I think I want the approval of my family. I want to make them proud of whom I am.  But the fact of the matter is our lives are short, and we don't know what will happen tomorrow. In our doubts and worries, we should go to GOD. He speaks through us through the bible. We always search for answers and advice; the greatest tool of advice sits on our bookshelves—waiting to be opened. 

Think about:
Whose approval are you searching for? Why?
Who/What do you go to in your times of need?
How can you actively go to God in your times of need?

Two. the light shines upon us. 
Worry and anxiety are two prevalent things I see in in the Indian community and in fact in today’s general society.  Whether it's to live up to someone’s expectations, to make good grades, to pay bills, or to worry about our futures or current circumstance, sometimes we let fear “motivate” us instead of Love. The deeper we envelope ourselves into fear and worry the more we rely on ourselves and less on God. If you notice in the text mostly all the verbs are in past tense, except “light shines in the darkness” (v.5). This verse shows us that Jesus is with us always. He is our Father. We are His beautiful creation made in His own image. We know how light differs from darkness. We can see light: bright and illuminating. When we visualize light, we instantly think of the sun and the stars. In the midst of darkness we can see light no matter how small.  Light overshadows darkness. Jesus was the light that came to save this world from darkness, and still shines today. Jesus sees through us, the parts of us we don't want others to see. Instead of dwelling on or worries and problems, lift it up to the Light. He will guide us to where we must go.

Think about:
How do you see Jesus as a light shining currently in your life?

Three. The humility of John.
John is one of my favorite characters in the Bible. He was independent. He only needed a few simple things to survive. His gave his whole life to serve Jesus, preparing a way for the Lord.
John exemplifies how Jesus doesn't need us, but truly wants us to show the love of God in this world. 
So many times I realize my mind set on such small, transient things, when I fail to realize that God sees the big picture. He is omniscient. He is omnipresent. He is omnipotent.
We many times limit ourselves to this world.
However, we should try to step out and see the beautiful landscape that Jesus has painted, paints, and will continue painting in and for the rest of our lives.  There is a greater world waiting for us. Don't set your mind and your heart on things that are fleeting, don't chase after the wind. Chase the One who loved us enough to sacrifice His Son for us. Whether you are going through struggles or you just need somebody to trust, know that there is One that outshines all. Let's reflect His Light that resides in us to others who need the Light in their lives.

How can you be more of a light in your community? Church? peer group? In your family?
Think of one thing that you can do today that will resemble the light of Jesus amidst this group.
Now don't just think of it write it down.
Make it your goal to accomplish that feat in the next 24 hours. 

- Saumia Thomas

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